Objective: To serve the Lord in a place which will glorify Him. Education 1984 Computer Studies Certificate (Dastra Computer Centre) 1989 Bachelor of Theology (Evangel Theological Seminary)- with academic award 1994 Master of Divinity (Lutheran Theological Seminary) 1997 Master of Theology (The South East Asia Graduate School of Theology - Lutheran Theological Seminary) 1998 Ordinary Certificate in Statistics (Royal Statistical Society) - with credit 1998 - present Still studying Doctor of Theology (The South East Asia Graduate School of Theology - Lutheran Theological Seminary)
Experience Minister-in-charge, Kai Tak Christian Church (9/2000 - ) Kai Tak Christian Church (Chinese) Senior Paster, ABWE - Wo Lok Baptist Church (8/97 - 3/2000)
High School Staff, Hong Kong Campus Crusade for Christ (10/83 -- 8/85) Takes care of high school ministry and mass media; Special contribution: establish correspondce follow-up; doing the statistical analysis on the witness in both individual and compaign (I have tested the church growth theory of McGavan in the context of a high school). Bills Clerk, Banque Nationale de Paris (9/81 -- 4/83) |